The Isle of Sharks, by Paola Ravani

Isle of Sharks, by Paola Ravani

A beautiful adventure novel for children aged 12 and over, set on an island in the Mediterranean Sea.

On the Blue Island, Ruben and Babila's dreams don't matter. They are not free to leave the village, nor to choose their job or who they will marry. Tradition requires the boy to be a fisherman - not a musician; his beautiful older sister should give up becoming a teacher to marry the rich Alcino, a domineering young man whom she detests. If their parents had not disappeared years before on a stormy night, headed for the Isle of Sharks, the two brothers would have had a better life.
One day a vessel sinks on the shores of the Blue Island, and maybe will change their fate.

Published in Italy by Einaudi Ragazzi.
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